Impero console options
Impero console options

impero console options

In the directory for Impero on the client machines (C:\Program Files (x86)\Impero Solutions Ltd\Impero Client\), create a file named ' ServerIPFixed.txt' - the contents of this file should be the IP address of the server. Method 2: ServerIPFixed text file - Windows and MacOS This is not a viable option if you have more than one Impero server on the same network, it is required that you use method 2 if you have more than one Impero Server. Open DNS Manager, Drill-down to your domain under Forward Lookup Zones and create a New Host (A or AAAA) record in DNS.Ĭall the entry ' impero_server' (or 'impero-server') with the IP Address of your Impero Server machine.

impero console options

If you are unsure which method to use feel free to give the support line a call. Method 4: Deploy a ‘startup’ script through Group Policy Method 3: Editing registry keys through Group Policy Method 1: DNS entry (Only if you have 1 ImperoServer on your network) In such cases, there are a number of ways in which you can ensure that your Impero Clients connect to your Impero Server: On occasion, such as within VLAN environments, this UDP broadcast may fail to detect and connect to an Impero Server. When the Impero Client is installed, it performs a UDP broadcast to detect an Impero Server to connect to.

Impero console options